AP World Homework and Vocabulary List

August 22, 2016 -


Chapter 1

1.Paleolithic era


3. Catal Huyuk

4. Specialization of Labor

5. Civilization

6. Agricultural revolution

7. Foragers

8. Slash and Burn Agriculture


Chapter 2

1. Mesopotamia

2. Sumer

3. Semitic

4. Ziggurat

5. City-state

6. Hammurabi law/Hammurabi

7. Sargon

8. Assyrian Empire

9. Neo-Babylonians/Chaldeans

10. Babylon

11. Nebuchadnezzar

12. Bronze/Iron metallurgy

13. Patriarchal society

14. Cuneiform

15. Epic of Gilgamesh

16. Hebrews/Israelites/Jews

17. Monotheism

18. Phoenicians

19. Yahweh

20. Hittites

21. Sanskrit

22. Scribe

23. Akkadian


Chapter 3

1. Bantu

2. Nubia

3. Memphis

4. Queen Hatshepsut

5. Hieroglyphics

6. New kingdom

7. Old kingdom

8. Thebes

9. Meroitic writing

10. Menes

11. Kush

12. Hyksos

13. Akhenaten


Chapter 4

1. Harappa & Mohenjo-daro

2. Aryans

3. Vedas

4. Raja

5. Caste system

6. Jati

7. Sati

8. Upanishads

9. Brahmins

10. Moksha

11. Varna

12. Karma

13. Lawbook of Manu

14. Dravidians

15. Samsara

16. Vedic Age

17. Asceticism


Chapter 5


2. Zhou

3. Shang

4. Loess

5. Warring states

6. Mandate of heaven

7. Veneration of Ancestors

8. Book of Songs

9. Oracle bones


Chapter 7

1. Achaemenids

2. Medes

3. Cyrus

4. Darius

5. Persepolis

6. Satraps

7. Qanat

8. Xerxes

9. Persian Wars

10. Alexander the great

11. Seleucids

12. Parthians

13. Sasanids

14. Zoroastrianism

15. Ahura Mazda

16. Manichaeism


Chapter 8

1. Confucianism

2. Analects

3. Daoism

4. Warring States Period

5. Legalism

6. Qin dynasty

7. Shihuangdi

8. Han dynasty

9. Liu Bang

10. Ban Zhao

11. Filial piety

12. Yellow Turban Uprising

13. Han Wudi

14. Eunuchs




Chapter 9

1. Mauryan dynasty

2. Pataliputra

3. Chandragupta Maurya

4. Kautalya

5. Ashoka

6. Kingdom of Kalinga

7. Bactria

8. Kushan Empire

9. Gupta Dynasty

10. Faxian

11. Ahisma

12. Mahabharata

13. Ramayana

14. Bhagavad Gita

15. Jati

16. Brahmin/ Vaishya/Shudra

17. Jainism

18. Siddhartha Gautama

19. Buddhism

20. Dharma

21. Mahayana Buddhism

22. Nirvana

23. Hinduism

24. Bodhisattvas

25. Vishnu

26. Krishna



Chapter 10

1. Minoan

2. Mycenaean

3. Knossos

5. Sparta

6. Athens

7. Pericles

8. Polis

9. Persian Wars

10. Delian League

11. Alexander the Great

12. Hellenistic Era

13. Antigonid Empire

14. Macedonian Empire

15. Peloponnesian War

16. Ptolemaic Empire

17. Alexandria

18. Seleucid Empire

19. Bactria

20. Infanticide

21. Olympic Games

22. Sappho

23. Socrates

24. Plato

25. Aristotle

26. Cult of Dionysus

27. Stoics



Chapter 11

1. Roman Republic

2. Etruscans

3. Patricians

4. Plebeians

5. Punic Wars/Carthage

6. Latifundia

7. Gracchi Brothers

8. Augustus/Pax Romana

9. Julius Caesar


11. Cicero

12. Stoicism

13. Jesus/ Paul of Tarsus


Chapter 12

1. Monsoons

2. Silk Road

4. Parthians

5. Stirrup

6. Taklamakun

7. Gregory the Wonderworker

8. Nestorian Christianity

9. Yellow Turban Rebellion

10. Manichaeism

11. Diocletian

12. Constantine/Constantiniople

13. The Huns

14. St. Augustine

15. Patriarchs

16. Council of Nicaea

17. Edict of Milan

18. Pope


 Chapter 13

1. Muhammad

2. Quran

3. Islam

4. Allah

5. Hadith

6. Ka’ba

7. Hijrah

8. Hajj

9. Umma

10. 5 Pillars of Islam

11. jihad

12. Jizya

13. Ulama

14. Qadis

15. Dar al-Islam

16. Sharia

17. Caliph

18. Shi’ia

19. Ali

20. Sunnis

21. Umayyad

22. Abbasid

23. Al-Andalus

24. Madrasas

25. Al-Ghazali

26. Sufi Islam

Chapter 14

1. Sui Dynasty

2. Equal-field System

3. Grand Canal

4. Tang Dynasty

5. Uighurs

6. Song Dynasty

7. Du Fu

8. Champa rice

9. Foot Binding

10. Li Bai

11. Wu Zhao

12 Foot binding

13. Chan Buddhism

14. Neo-Confucianism

15. Flying cash

16. Chang’an

17. Mahayana Buddhism

18. Nirvana

19. Silla

20. Nara

21. Heian

22. Tale of Genji

23. Samurai

24. Shogun

25. Shintoism

Chapter 15

1. Harsha

2. Mahmud of Ghanzi

3. Dehli sultanate

4. Monsoons

5. Chola Kingdon

6. Vijayanagar

7. Dhow

8. Junks

9. Axum

10. Caste system

11. Urbanization

12.  Hinduism

13. Bhagavad Gita

14. Sufis

15. Bhakti Movement

16. Guru Kabir

17. Funan

18.  Srivijaya

19. Angkor

20. Melaka


Chapter 16

1. Roman empire

2. Byzantine empire

3. Constantinople

4. Caesaropapism

5. Justinian & Theodora

6. Justinian’s Code

7. Theme system

8. Charlemagne

9. Franks & Charles Martel

10. Vikings

11. Feudalism

12 Benjamin of Tudela

13. Papacy

14. Schism of 1054

15. Pope Gregory l

16. Monasticism

17. Iconoclasm

18. Asceticism

19. Hagia Sophia

20. Cyril and Methodius

21. Franks

22. Golden horde

23. Carloginians

24. Abu-al-abbas

25. Pope Leo lll


Chapter 17

1. Nomadism

2. William Rubruck

3. Saljuq Turks

4. Sultan

5.Ghengis khan/Mongols

7. Yuan/Kubulai khan

9. Marco Polo

10. Kamikaze

11.  Golden Horde

12. Bubonic plague

13. Il-khanate of Persia

14. Nestorian Christianity

15. Uighurs

16. Tamerlane

17. Ottoman

18. Karakorum

19. Mehmed ll


Chapter 18

1. Sundiata

2. Bantu

3. Stateless Society

4. Segmentary Society

5. Jenne-Jeno

6. Kongo

7. Mansa Musa

8. Ghana

9. Swahili

10. Zimbabwe

11. Mali

12. Kinship Groups

13. Mecca

14. Trans Saharan trade

15. Ibn Battuta

16. Axum

17. Ethiopia

18. Zanj revolt

Chapter 19

1. Otto I

2. Investiture Controversy

3. Barbarossa

4. Hugh Capet & Capetian Dynasty

5. William of Normandy

6. Textile Cities

7. Hanseatic League

8. Chivalry

9. Troubadour

10. Three estates

11. Iberian peninsula

12. Eleanor of Aquitaine

13. Guilds

14. Cathedrals

15. Universities

16. The Crusades

17. Pilgrimage

18. Medieval age

19. St. Thomas Aquinas

20. Dominican & Franciscan Orders

21. Reconquista

22. Waldensians

23. Crusades

24. Urban II




Chapter 20

1. Toltecs

2. Tula

3. Aztecs

4. Tenochtitlan

5. Chinampas

6. Mexica

7. Calpulli

8. Pueblo & Navajo Societies

9. Iroquois

10. Cahokia

11. Chimu/Chimor

12. Inca

13. Cuzco

14. Quipu

15. Ayllus

16. Oceania

17. Maori

18. Easter Island

19. Caroline Islands

20. Marae/Biau


Chapter 21

1. Marco polo

2. Ibn Battuta

3. Rabban Sauma

4. Qadi

5. Sharia

6. John of the Montecorvino

7. Little Ice age

8. Bubonic Plague

9. Ming

10. Hongwu

11. Yongle

12. Mandarins

13. Eunuch

14. Ivan III

15. Novogrod & Nevskii

16. Czar

17. Renaissance

18.  DaVinci

19. Humanists

20. Brunelleschi

21.  Erasmus

22. Petrarch

23. Zheng He


Chapter 22

1. Missionaries

2. Reconquista

3. Compass

4. Astrolabe

5. Lateen Sail

6. Volta Do Mar

7. Prince Henry the Navigator

8. Dias

9. DaGama

10. Columbus

11. Taino

12. Balboa

13. Magellan

14. Bering

15. Guam

16. Captain Cook

17. Albuquerque

18. British East India Co.

19. Dutch East India Co.

20. Legazpi

21. Manilla

22. Coen

23. Stroganov Family

24. Yakut People

25. Cossacks

26. Seven Years War

27. Hegemony

28. Columbian Exchange

29. Manila Galleons

30. Smallpox


Chapter 23

1. Martin Luther & 95 Theses

2. Protestant reformation

3. Calvin

4. Henry VIII

5. Catholic Reformation

6. Council of Trent

7. Loyola & Jesuit Order

8. Witch hunts

9. Thirty Years War

10. Charles V & Habsburg family

11. Spanish Inquisition

12. English Civil war

13. Cromwell

14. Glorious Revolution

15. Louis XIV & Versailles

16. Peter the Great

17. Catherine the Great

18. Peace of Westphalia

19. Capitalism

20. Joint-Stock Companies

21. Putting-out System

22. Serfdom

23. Smith & Wealth of Nations

24. Nuclear Family

25. Ptolemaic Universe

26. Copernicus

27. Galileo

28. Newton

29. Harvey

30. Chatelet

31. Enlightenment

32. Locke

33. Voltaire

34. Rousseau

35. Montesquieu

36. Deism

Chapter 24

1. Dona Marina

2. Taino

3. Encomienda

4. Conquistadores

5. Cortes

6. Pizzaro

7. Audiencias

8. Cabral

9. Treaty of Tordesillas

10. Mestizo

11. Peninsulares

12. Creoles

13. Zambos

14. Metis

15. Mita

16. Potosi

17. Quinto

18. Hacienda

19. Tupac Amaru Rebellion

20. De Ayala

21. Engenho

22. Indentured Servititude

23. Bernardo de Sahagun

24. Virgin of Guadalupe

25. Carstenzs

26. Captain Cook

27. Chamorro people

28. Guam

29. Cook in Hawaii


Chapter 25

1. Songhay Empire

2. Sunni Ali

3. Kanem-Bornu

4. Hausa States

5. Oyo & Asante

6. Swahili coast

7. Kongo

8. King Alfonso I

9. Ndongo

10. Queen Nzinga

11. Angola

12. Timbuktu

13. Middle passage

14. Equinano

17. Cash crops

18. Maroons

19. Creole languages

20. Abolitionists


Chapter 26

1. Ming

2. Manchu

3. Hongwu

4. Qing

5. Kangxi

6. Qianlong

7. Son of heaven

8. Civil service exams

9. Filial piety

10. Foot binding

11. Yongle

12. Gentry

13. Neoconfucianism

14. Matteo Ricci

15. Tokugawa

16. Daimyo

17. Bakufu

18. Ukiyu

19. Shikaku

20. Kabuki & Bunraku

21. Dutch Studies


Chapter 27

1. Ottoman

2. Ghazi

3. Devshrime

4. Mehmed ll

5. Suleyman

6. Safavid

7. Ismail

8. Battle of Chaldiran

9. Istanbul

10. Mughal Empire

12. Babur

13. Akbar

14. Aurangzeb


16. Jiyza

17. Ishfahan

18. Taj Mahal


Chapter 28

1. DeGouges

2. Voltaire

3. Rousseau

4. Locke

5. Seven Years War

6. American Revolution

7. Estates general

8. National assembly

9. Declaration of Independence/the Rights of Man

10. French revolution

11. Napoleon

12. Haitian

13. Gens de couleur

14. Toussaint Louverture

15. Enlightenment

16. Liberalism

17. Peninsulares

18. Simon Bolivar

19. Caudillos

20. Pedro l

21. Hidalgo

22. Iturbide

23. Jose de San Martin

24. Bernardo O’Higgins

25. Conservatism

26. Edmund Burke

27. John Stuart Mill

28. Wilberforce

29. Mary Astell

30. Mary Wollstonecraft

31. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

32. Seneca Falls

33. Nationalism

34. Herder & Volksgeist

35. Mazzini

36. Herzl & Zionism

37. Congress of Vienna/ Metternich

38. Greek Independence

39. Garibaldi

40. Bismarck


Chapter 29

1. Industrialization

2. Kay/Crompton/Cartwright

3. James watt

4. Steam engine

5. Bessemer

6. Factory System

7. Smith – Wealth of Nations

8. Mass production

9. Utopian socialism

10. Wedgewood/division of labor

11. Corporation

12. Monopolies (examples)

13. Trusts (examples)

14. Cartels (examples)

15. Crystal Palace

16. Edward Jenner

17. Malthus

18. Ms. John Sanford

19Fourier & Owen

20. Karl Marx/Engels – Communist Manifesto


Chapter 31

1. Extraterritoriality

2. Autonomy

3. Selim III

4. Mahmud II

5. Tanzimat Reforms

6. Young Turks

7. Hamid II

8. Mehmed V Rashid

9. Crimean war

10. Alexander II

11. Witte

12. Pogrom

13. Nicholas II

14. Revolution of 1905

15. Duma

16. Opium war

17. Treaty of Nanjing

18. Taiping rebellion

19. Cixi

20. Self-Strengthening Movement

21. Sphere of Influence

22. Hundred Days Reforms

23. Boxer rebellion

24. Meiji restoration

25. Perry & Treaty of Kanagawa

26. Fukuzawa Yukichi

27. Diet

28. Zaibatsu & examples


Chapter 32

1. Cecil Rhodes

2. Imperialism

3. Colonialism

4. Ruyard Kipling

5. Maxim Gun

6. Suez Canal

7. Battle of Omdurman

8. Sepoy rebellion

9. “Great Game”

10. Burma

11. Scramble for Africa

12. Livingstone

13. Stanley

14.  Leopold II – Belgium

15. Cape Town

16. Afrikaners

17. Xhosa

18. Great Trek

19. South Afrikaner War

20. Berlin Conference

21. Royal Niger Company

22. Captain cook

23. Maori

24. Treaty of Waitangi

25. New Zealand Wars

26. Monroe Doctrine

27. Spanish American war

28. Aguinaldo

29. Panama Canal

30. Roosevelt Corollary

31. Liliuokalani

32. Sino-Japanese war

33. Russo-Japanese War

34. Ceylon

35. Indentured Labor

36. Maji-Maji Rebellion

37. Gobineau

38. Darwin

39. Spencer

40. Rom Mohan Roy

41. Indian National Congress

Chapter 33

1. Self-Determination

2. Dreadnoughts

3. Triple Alliance

4. Triple Entente

5. Schlieffen plan

6. Trench warfare/Western Front

7. Eastern Front

8. Total War

9. Home Front

10. Propaganda

11. Twenty-one Demands

12. Winston Churchill

13. Gallipoli Campaign

14. Armenian Genocide

15. March Revolution

16. Vladimir Lenin

17. November Revolution

18. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

19. Spanish Flu 1918

20. Wilson’s Fourteen Points

21. Treaty of Versailles

22. Treaty of St. Germain

23. Treaty of Trianon

24. Treaty of Sevres

25. Mustafa Kemal

26. Treaty of Lausanne

27. League of Nations

28. Mandate System

Chapter 34

1. Lost Generation w/ examples

2. Great War

3. Oswald Spengler

4. Toynbee

5. Barth

6. Albert Einstein

7. Heinsberg

8. Freud

9. Degas

10. Gauguin

11. Picasso

12. Bauhaus w/ key figures

13. The Great Depression

14. Industrial Economy

15. Economic Nationalism

16. Richet

17. Steinbeck

18. Keynes

19. The New Deal

20. Russian Civil War

21. War Communism

22. NEP

23. Stalin

24. Five-Year Plan

25. Kukak

26. Great Purge

27. Facism

28. Mussolini

29. Hitler

30. Nazis

31. Race Based Nationalism

32. Kristallnacht


Chapter 35

1. Indian National Congress

2. Ghandi

3. Ahisma/Satyagraha

4. Non-Cooperation Mvt.

5. Civil Disobedience Mvt.

6. The India Act

7. Jinnah

8. Sun Yat-Sen

9. May Fourth Mvt.

10. Guomindang

11. Chiang Kai-shek

12. Mao Zedong

13. Long March

14. Kellogg-Briand pact

15. Mukden Incident

16. Jomo Kenyatta

17. Garvey

18. W.E.B DuBois

19. Mariategui

20. Apristas/Aprismo

21. De La Torre

22. Diego Rivera

23. Dollar Diplomacy

23. Taft

24. Vargas & Estada Novo

25. Good Neighbor Policy

26. Samoza

27. Cardenas

28. Carmen Miranda


Chapter 36

1. Revisionist Powers

2. Rape of Nanking

3. Tripartite Pact

4. Anschluss

5. Appeasement

6. Chamberlain

7. Russian-German Treaty of Non-aggression

8. FDR

9. Panzer

10. Blitzkrieg

11. Luftwaffe

12. Battle of Britain

13. Lebensraum

14. Operation Barbarossa

15. Battle of Stalingrad

16. Pearl Harbor

17. Churchill

18. Kamikaze

19. D-Day

20. Reichstag

21. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

22. Vichy France

23. Holocaust

24. SS Einsatzgruppen

25. Comfort Women

26. Iron Curtain

27. Cold War

28. United Nations

29. Truman Doctrine

30. Marshall Plan


32. NATO

33. Berlin Wall

34. Korean War


36. Eisenhower

37. Nuclear Arms Race/MAD

38. Castro & Cuban Revolution

39. Bay of Pigs

40. Khrushchev

41. De-Stalinization

42. Prague Spring

43. Brezhnev Doctrine

44. Détente


Chapter 37

1. Gandhi

2. Jinnah

3. Muslim League

4. India Act of 1935

5. Nehru

6. Bandung Conference

7. Nonaligned Movement

8. Decolonization

9. Ho Chi Minh

10. Viet Minh

11. Ngo Dinh Diem

12. NLF

13.Lyndon Johnson

14. Vietnam War

15. Paris Peace Accords

16. Balfour Declaration

17. Zionism

18. Intifada

19. Nasser

20. Suez Canal Crisis

21. Algeria Independence

22. Frantz Fanon

23. Negritude

24. Nkrumah

25. Kikuyu Tribe

26. Kenyatta

27. Apartheid

28. ANC

29. Nelson Mandela

30. F.W. De Klerk

31. Mao’s Five Year Plans

32. Great Leap Forward

33. Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

34. Deng Xiaoping

35. Tiananmen Square

36. Indira Gandhi

37. Sikhs

38. Rajiv Gandhi

39. Jihad

40. Iranian Revolution

41. Pahlavi

42. Khomeini

43. Iran-Iraq War

44. Gulf War (1991)

45. OAU

46. Cardenas

47. Juan Peron

48. Evita

49. Descamisados

50. Arbenz

51. Armas

52. Samoza Garcia

53. Sandinistas

54. Regan

55. Dependency Theory


Chapter 38

1. Reagan

2. Gorbachev

3. Velvet Revolution

4. Ceausescu

5. Perestrokia

6. Glasnost

7. Afghan Mujahideen

8. Yeltsin

9. KGB

10. Globalization

11. Free trade

12. GATT

13. WTO

14. Global Corporation & Examples

15. Little Tigers

16. BRIC

17. European Union

18. Treaty of Rome

19. Maastricht Treaty of 1993

20. OPEC


22. Consumption (new economic concept)

23. Americanization or McDonaldization

24. Pan-American Culture



27. Club of Rome

28. Kyoto Protocol

29. Al Gore

30. Terrorism

31. 9/11

32. Al-Qaeda & Bin Laden

33. Taliban

34. Burka

35. Operation Iraqi Freedom & WMD

36. NGO

37. Geneva Convention

38. Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

39. Feminism

40. Decade for Women 1975

41. Migration (push/pull factors)

42. Aung San Suu Kyi